Games with Code
This is the personal and side-project website of Mark Sobkowicz. My day job is as a Computer Science teacher at Lincoln Sudbury regional high school and I have a website for that as well. Here you’ll find information about enrichment classes I teach, apps I’ve written, and my random musings.
Learn Game Programming with Ruby
I wrote a book about making games with the Gosu library and Ruby. It was published by the Pragmatic Programmers, but is no longer in print. Pragmatic Programmers reverted all rights to me, so you can download it here. Please don’t redistribute it without my permission – but you can direct other people here to get it.
Classes through Acton Boxborough Community Education
I frequently teach classes through ABCE. Look back at this space to see classes that are coming soon.

Twelves for iPhone
I wrote this app to learn Apple's new Swift programming language. It's a game that is also in my book, Learn Game Programming with Ruby.
Download for free on the App Store.